Determination of the macroelement content of breads fortified with different spices and their contribution to the nutrient reference value

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Andrea Varga-Kántor
Loránd Alexa
Emőke Topa
Béla Kovács
Nikolett Czipa


Many studies are published on food fortification, as the production, testing and consumption of functional foods has become a central issue these days. Bread is one of our important staple foods, and we also regularly eat various spices. Bread may also contain spices. In the course of our work, bread recipes containing different spices in different quantities were developed. In this study, the macroelement content of seven spices (basil, dill, oregano, caraway, chives, rosemary and garlic granules) and 42 fortified breads were determined using an inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES), and their contribution to the nutrient reference value (NRV) was calculated. Based on the measured concentrations, higher element contents were measured in the spices used by us compared to the values of other studies. Outstanding results values were determined in basil, dill, oregano and chives.

In the case of breads, the calcium, potassium and magnesium content of the products made with the above-mentioned spices was higher than the data found in the literature. Taking into account the results, it was possible to produce macroelement-containing products that contribute to the body’s daily macroelement needs more than usual.


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How to Cite
Varga-Kántor, A., Alexa, L., Topa, E., Kovács, B., & Czipa, N. (2022). Determination of the macroelement content of breads fortified with different spices and their contribution to the nutrient reference value. Journal of Food Investigation, 68(3), 4047–4057.