Investigation of the Use of Enzymes with Early Flavour Releasing Effects on Furmint Grapes in the Tokaj Wine Region
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Furmint is the most important grape variety of the Tokaj wine region. Its advantages include less sensitivity to the drought stress caused by climate change and retaining its acidity, however it is quickly depleted of aromatics because it does not produce various terpenic compounds. The use of early aroma-releasing enzymes and a combination of non-Saccharomyces and Saccharomyces yeasts can provide a technological solution for the winemaking process, allowing the release of aroma precursors during fermentation and the development of richer and more complex flavours with the help of yeast strains. The present study describes the effect of the aroma-developing enzyme preparations (Trenolin®FastFlow, Trenolin®BouquetPLUS) and special yeast strains (Oenoferm®Klosterneuburg, Oenoferm®Wild&Pure) of Erbslöh GmbH on the aroma composition of Furmint grape varieties in the Tokaj wine region.
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