Consumer Perception of the Behaviour of Food Industry Enterprises Towards the Environment

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Csilla Ágnes Meszlényi
György Hampel


The preservation of our ecosystem and the mitigation of harmful substance emissions have become a global problem in all regions of the world. Addressing these challenges requires not only individual efforts but also collaborative efforts from the industrial sectors. Through a comprehensive questionnaire survey, our goal was to determine the environmental expectations consumers have of food industry enterprises. Based on the data collected, it can be inferred that a significant majority of individuals show a keen interest in environmental conservation and express genuine concerns about the climate crisis. According to the respondents, the most effective means for food industry companies to demonstrate their commitment and responsibility to the environment lies in minimising emissions, reducing waste production, and adopting biodegradable packaging materials.


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Meszlényi, C. Ágnes, & Hampel, G. (2024). Consumer Perception of the Behaviour of Food Industry Enterprises Towards the Environment. Journal of Food Investigation, 70(2), 42–62.


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