Effect of a compound bio-preservative on microbiological indicators and shelf life of fresh pork chops

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Aleksandr Lukin
Olga Babina
Sergey Pirozhinsky


The article deals with the study of the effect that a compound preservative produces on microbiological indicators and shelf life of fresh pork products. The effect of various preservatives on the total viable count and yeast growth in fresh meat during storage was studied. Experimental studies have shown that the compounds of additive a preservative mixture* actively inhibits microorganism growth during the fresh pork chops storage. In the control sample, the number of microorganisms on the seventh day of storage was 12*104 CFU/g, and, in the sample with the compound additive preservative mixture added, it amounted to 0.1*104 CFU/g. The usage of the ready to use preservative mixture allows actively suppressing the yeast reproduction during long-term storage (seven days) of coarsely chopped fresh pork products (250 CFU/g). The optimal method for applying the preservative to fresh pork chops has been determined. Applying the preservative to coarsely chopped fresh meat by simply mixing and massaging (for example, together with spices or marinades) is the most rational method for this product type. Primary and secondary lipid degradation products are considered, and the peroxide and acid numbers of fresh meat products during 30-day storage are determined. After 30 days of storage, a noticeable increase in oxidative processes in the control sample is observed, whereby the end point of the shelf life of coarsely chopped fresh pork products has been chosen.


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Hogyan kell idézni
Lukin, A., Babina, O., & Pirozhinsky, S. (2022). Effect of a compound bio-preservative on microbiological indicators and shelf life of fresh pork chops. Élelmiszervizsgálati Közlemények, 68(2), 3937–3945. https://doi.org/10.52091/EVIK-2022/2-5-ENG
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